A look at the Thuc Line

A look at the Thuc Line

The Study of our Faith,
that is our duty
in .doc file

We try to lay out some of the entrapments and how they have come about in this article so one can better understand why one needs to run the other way.

One has a duty to study the Faith and to know where one stands and why. For example if one was to be in Russia and he was dying he could go to a schismatic Russian Orthodox priest for the Last Sacraments because of the seriousness of the situation and there would probably not be any alternative. But one would have the duty to check out the situation as there are some Saint Pius X priests in Russia at least at some times.

The Study of our Faith,
that is our duty
in .pdf file
(Why Not Follow Mr. Nice Guy?)

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The Instruction and The New Instruction

We issue the copy of the pamphlet, The Instruction and The New Instruction, as they are one of the most radical documents associated with the Vatican II Church.... Learn more...