The New Instruction

Changes in participation in the Mass

Book in .pdf file only

Introduction to The New Instruction (Part 2).

We issue the copy of the pamphlet, The Instruction and The New Instruction, as they are one of the most radical documents associated with the Vatican II Church. Most so called traditionalist Catholics would say that the Second Vatican Council is where all the ills of the present day Church came from but in reality the action of those calling themselves the Sacred Congregation of Rites are the ones who in 1958 set the Engine of Change in place which allowed the extremists to take control of the Church during the Second Vatican Council.
Rev. Low had been appointed to look into The Instruction and its circumstances. A month later, before Rev. Low completed and published his report, The New Instruction (which was a long winded "whitewash" of what had gone on), Pius XII died.

(Part 2) The New Instruction on the Participation in the Mass .pdf file

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The Instruction and The New Instruction

We issue the copy of the pamphlet, The Instruction and The New Instruction, as they are one of the most radical documents associated with the Vatican II Church.... Learn more...